About me
My name is Daniel Norton Luna. My ancestors were from Mexican (indigenous & Spanish), Irish, English, and German origins. I grew up in the Coachella Valley of Southern California. I have lived in NorCal for over ten years now-- in San Francisco, Humboldt County, and now wine country. I have spent most of that time working in roles supporting youth from diverse and under-served communities.
I work with UpValley Family Centers as the Project Coordinator of the Calistoga Community Schools Initiative. This project seeks to provide the students and families of the Calistoga Joint Unified School District with meaningful learning opportunities to improve their own lives and those of the world around them. The school district has 85.6% of students who identify as Hispanic/Latino, and at least 71% of students qualify for free and reduced price lunch. I love strategic planning with the multi-disciplinary teams in this project to develop and improve services that needs of the Calistoga community. I also enjoy facilitating meetings, tracking data and organizing program workflows. In all these activities, I do my best to infuse elements of compassion, teamwork, learning, and transparency. I approach my work with a strengths-based, resourceful attitude and an openness to learn together with my teammates.